

I'm Lynn from over at the Southern Direction Blog
Sookz Nook is where I'm going to share my recipes and the things I'm doing in the kitchen. I'm also hoping this blog will help me rewrite my handwritten recipes and get them into a better
 book or system, 

Everything that we do as a family, church, and as friends here in Virginia involves food
I'm a mother and a wife; we set down almost every evening to a home cooked meal.

My education in the kitchen began as a girl watching what my mama did and just plain and simply, putting my hands to it. My Mama cooked in that good old country way. 
Just as my grandmother did.
 I enrolled in two years of Food Services class in high school where I learned the bones of any kitchen and recipe. Many fundraisers for our class was catering small weddings and party events.
 I can also recall this small class of girls making over 900 cheese balls for a Christmas order.

After my high school years, life was on to public work and soon after that married life and babies. I don't know if I really thought about cooking in those days I just did it but now I  find myself pouring over recipes,  for a simple potluck dinner at work or the dish I should bring for a  family reunion or a church homecoming. 

Now I'll read a recipe just to read it. I'm not a collector of cookbooks but in my black kitchen cabinet I have a total of 25 cookbooks. My most treasured cookbook and the one I turn to most often is my handwritten journal from my Food Services Class. 
The difference is that it has been completely filled and busting to the gills with recipes I have wrote down on a piece of notebook paper and shoved in my book; I have recipes I've clipped from magazines. But, my most dear are the ones  that were wrote on a paper towel or napkin while sitting around my Grandma's or Mama's kitchen table.
I also have a passion for my old cookstove.
 I don't cook everyday on this stove but I do love to fire it up!

I hope you find something useful in Sookz Nook
It's been so nice of you to stop by.

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